How are you boosting capabilities?

If you're ready to shake up the way people experience learning and move beyond the mundane elearning offerings, we're eager to connect with you. Let's shift from simply sharing information to crafting immersive experiences that boost capabilities, drive career growth, and have people singing your praises as the ultimate learning deliverer.

Strategic Plan

Would you like to level up your learning strategy and empower teams and individuals to confidently transition from strategy to action? Use our easy to follow steps that are both human-centered and business-focussed, to create the ultimate plan.

Holistic Design

Are you designing learning with a view to tapping into and leveraging what you already have? A well designed learning experience not only ensures learner interaction and successful outcomes it can also save you time, money and energy. Keen to know more?

Clever Delivery

Your end goal might be to get people to pass an assessment, upskill or change the way they work but if people aren't engaging then it's not going to happen. We have ways and means of making people fall in love with the learning journey, and get better results. Want to know how?

Schedule A Conversation With Us To Get Started

Results Speak Volumes

Yes, we've worked with some major local and global brands, government departments and educational institutions but talking about it is one thing, showing the results is another...

Pointing to results 1
Increased the reputation and brand score for the Capability & Learning team for an Insurance Industry heavy weight. Done through embedding human centred design practices and agile ways of working, along with strong business partnering skills.
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Supported the rapid growth of learning products in global markets, for a kiwi agency. Achieved through designing and implementing a strategic plan.
Pointing to results 2

Over 70 NZQA Unit Standards reviewed and rewritten for the Forestry Programme.
Extensive overhaul of learning content.  Working closely with industry leaders and people out in the field, we implemented a new digital approach for an industry that had a completely desk free workforce.

Pointing to results 6
Helped a global fitness brand go from leadership development for 6 people to making it accessible to 500+ people around the globe.  Utilising the systems and strengths that their people already possessed to keep the program highly sustainable.
Pointing to results 3

Developed strategic approach, including restructuring and recruiting.  Supported team to implement new processes and systems.  Helping this social impact charity go from matching around 12 families a year to over 135 matches in a year.

Pointing to results 4
Increased workplace culture and engagement score 2-3% every year over the past 3 years.
Achieved through incorporating feedback and insights gathered from all staff and through supporting their leadership team with guidance and recommendations on where and how to take action.

Want to see some of our work?

Difference makes the difference

We've always been a team of individuals that did 'it' differently.  We've challenged, pushed boundaries, insisted on measures and bought in science and facts and.... we've always felt the most important voice was that of the learner themselves.
You can't bring about better learner experiences by deciding 'brave' is moving from dark grey to light grey!  Innovating, being seen as outstanding and delivering incredible learner experiences requires doing it differently.  We know you want to... Let us support you in getting started.

Schedule A Conversation With Us To Get Started